This is what I think so far

What I think of so far is that most of the projects were good but there was some that I didn’t like. One I didn’t like was the type one because I didn’t fully understand what to do. But all of the other projects I think so far were fun and challenging to do which made more fun to figure out how to get them done. But so far I think that it has been a good year for what we have been doing.

Now what I think of what we will be doing now that that it will be a good change. The reason it will be is because I’ve liked working on posters and making my design from what I feel will work. It will also help me out cause now I can focus a little more on that instead of trying to get it done fast to meet the deal line I can kind of pace more than what i could before. But that is what I think. It’s going to be a good thing for all of us because we all like to do different things.

What i did to improve my logo type

This is what I did to improve this design over my last one.  I decide to change everthing that I did because I thought that I could do a better design then my last one.  I thought that if i made something that made it stand out a lot more so where people can get drawn at it.  What i did was my made my colors pop more then last time and i also add less then what i add last time.  Another thing that i did was i made it where it looks more hand drawn and not so computer made.  That is everthing that I did to change my logo.  

Reflection of my work

This is what I think that showed the biggest improvements that i was able to do.  The biggest improvement that I think i was able to do is that i got better with using the pen tool.  I was able to keep all my lines smooth and clear so it turned out really good I think.  Then with the lines that i wasnt able to keep straight I want back with the smooth tool and it made it turn out a lot nicer.  That is one of the biggest improvements that I did.

The biggest challenge that I had to face was time.  when i started to work on this project I planed on doing something else but it was taking to long to do.  So I stopped what I was doing and moved over to this project.  I think that if I would have stated with the other project I was doing I wouldn’t have been able to get it done in time so im glad I was able to get this one done in time.

If I had to make any changes to my project would be the blank space I left on it.  The reason I would change it is because I feel that it left a lot of negative space on the bottom of it.  If I had the time I would have looked for a better pic to put at the bottom of the shirt to make it look a lot nicer.  That is what I would have done to make my project look a lot better.

I think there is a few things i can take away from this project. one of the things is that done be afraid to say that something is too much to do in the time u have to do it.  Another thing is go back and look at it when your done to see if it turned out the way u wanted it to.  Lastly I also learned don’t be afraid to change what you might need to change to the project.